Insights on emerging technologies, practices, and processes for Industry, Infrastructure and Cities for the last week.

Chantal Polsonetti — Acquisition or Partnership

Open-Source Software Community Unites to Build CRA-Compliant Cybersecurity Processes

The Apache Software Foundation, Blender Foundation, OpenSSL Software Foundation, PHP Foundation, Python Software Foundation, Rust Foundation, and Eclipse Foundation jointly announced their intention to collaborate on establishment of common specifications for secure software development based on CRA-Compliant Cybersecurity Processes
Jim Frazer — Company and Product News

DuPont Announces Plan to Separate into Three Independent, Publicly Traded Companies

DuPont announced a plan to separate into three distinct, publicly traded companies. Under the plan, DuPont would execute the proposed separations of its Electronics and Water businesses in a tax-free manner to its shareholders with New DuPont continuing as a premier diversified industrial company